lunes, mayo 4

INGLES 6mo y7mo TM

Hello everybody ! how are you? espero que bien Recuerden que si hacen las actividadeS pueden sacar fotos o bien mandar los archivos o dudas a este mail-

6to A -B
Read the text and name the rooms 1-6 on the plans
2- Answer the questions 
a- what colour is the bus?
b- what is the bus now?
c- who is Luke?
d- -Have they got one bedroom for Tom and one for his brother?
7mo A- B
1- read the text. Match the pictures (a-c) to the correct paragraphs (1-3)
2- Complete the sentences with the correct number
a- we have a leap year every__________years
b- a leap year has got_______days
c It takes _________days for the Moon to go round the Earth.
d- A lunar year has got_____ days

3- Answer the questions
 a- why do we need leap years?
b- why do some months have thirty-one days?which months are they?

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